Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend At My House

It's project time!
hi ho...hi's off to Home Depot we go. 
That would be me singing in a happy, excited sort of way.
For the hubs it would be in a bit of a grumpish, annoyed sort of way.

To the best husband ever,
I know after the last house you are soooooo over projects BUT just wanted to let you know that I think you're the coolest guy on the planet for loving me no matter what surprise projects I throw at you! XOXO

And to prove my love I painted you a (pink) love letter on the wall. 

Let's just hope the people who own this house after us never take down the ginormous chalkboard you're about ready to make and hang over this love creation.  

Yes, we made a 8ft x 4 ft chalkboard for the dining room this weekend. It's a cutey!


 tickle me PINK the dining room is approaching done and I LOVE it!!
Pics to come soon. 

It's Monday. Make it a GREAT one!

P.S. Is there such thing as too many chalkboards in a house? I didn't think so.

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