Name: Marilyn
Age: Forever 29
Occupation: Massage Appt. Specialist (okay, really she's a nurse.)
Passion: Taking care of her "FIRST!"
Princess Survival Tip: You MUST take a moment for you each day. Every woman needs an outlet. Ideas may include: Eating a Snickers bar while locked in your bedroom, taking a bath, reading a book and my personal favorite...chewing Bazooka bubble gum while taking a walk (she really said that).
New Found Hobby: Dirt Biking--You go Girlie Princess!
Latest Discovery: Taking a bath with a portable DVD player propped up on the toilet! Good Thinkn'!
Thank you Marilyn for sharing your philosophies with us. You are a true Girlie Princess!
Note: Marilyn will be spa hopping for us in the month of November to find out which spa provides the best ambiance. Have fun! (Just Kidding! But I'm sure if I foot the bill she'd be more than happy to go!)
What's your Girlie Princess outlet? Please share!
Princess Pookie's outlet is this silly blog. And shopping of course!
Talk to other princesses!