Williams-Sonoma counter cleaner. Wipe down your counters in style with a bottle of this. Let me tell ya, if ya gotta do the dirty job it might as well smell pretty. It's pricey but the one-time splurge is worth it. If you like peppermint scent you MUST check THIS out. It only comes out for the Holidays and it is heavenly. It's a great "Thank you for cooking Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner" gift. THIS little darling is an excellent thank you as well. What chef wouldn't want one of these? It's so cute!
Crafting hour! I have some crazy fetish with baby crafty things. It's strange cuz my baby isn't really a baby anymore and I don't plan on bringing any more babies into this world. However, I do have a ton of prego friends so sorry mammas, it's home-made gift time from me. At least know they are hand made with love! (Note:All of these supplies can be found at JoAnn fabrics-hate that stupid store!)
I love that I have friends who don't judge me for having a sink full of dishes. The maid called in sick today:D
BENEFIT products. I adore my latest cosmetic finds. Skinny Dip (shade name) lipstick and Posie tint. If you don't have Benefit cosmetics in your collection you must stop everything you are doing right now and go by something from this make up counter. You'll be addicted. This is one of the girliest make up collections alive. If nothing else at least stop in and grab a catalog from your local counter. They are funny honey! If anyone wants a GNO to the Benefit make up counter, call me. I'll hook you up with all the BEST!
Cinnamon chip bread from Great Harvest. I'm sure there's nothing all that nutritional about it but a fresh piece out of the toaster smothered with some love (butter) is oh so delightful. Try some. It's worth every calorie. Go HERE to find a store near you. Rumor has it one will be opening in Puyallup. Is that true?
A jar full of candy. How beautiful is this?! Thank you Halloween Holiday.This is the loveliest fabric softener out there. It will wake up your olfactory senses and you'll enjoy doing laundry again...NOT. No matter how decadent the laundry smells I'd rather be buying shoes than folding mounds of laundry. But, this is certainly an enjoyable scent for the sniffer.
My green bowl. I have these bowls in several colors and for some reason I'm always drawn to the

My powder room. This tiny little room is filled with things I love. I especially love this particular wall. Color: Robbin Egg Blue, Antique bowling pins, pic. of my sisters, "born to shop". I also love that nowadays the decorating rules have changed. There are no rules. (If there were rules like I'd follow them anyway.) Most common mistake I see in home decorating: hanging pictures too high. Eye level princesses...eye level. Wait, was that a rule? If so, don't break this one.Meeting new friends. Yesterday I did a Y special event art show and got to work with my new friend Mo Mo. She is an absolute blast! Hope to work with you again soon. By the way Mo Mo...say no to mold.:) (private joke)
And...my new birdie friend the owl. Love you little birdies. Come fly to my house from Pottery Barn Kids please. There ya have it. The End.
Homework: Just Be!
P.S. I didn't make it to Nordy's. I was too busy loving little things and "just being" in my pjs until noon. Anyone pick up any great deals at my "house"?
Jodee, It was fun to look over your blog this morning. To make a few comments on your posts.....yes, Great Harvest Bread is opening on Meridian in December (our friends the Powers are opening it!)
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of surgery did you have or are you having?....hope everything is ok.
Your kids are growing up so fast, and are oh so adorable!
Unfortunately I didn't go to the Nordy's sale, nor did I even know about it until I got an email yesterday...hummmm I think maybe Rob got to the mail before I did and confiscated the postcard add! Anyway I am stuck in my house for now unless someone takes mercy on me and gets me out for awhile! I have a herniated disk which is now pressing on my siatic nerve and causing extreme amounts of pain! So for now I am stuck here and unable to drive because of the pain meds....(still hasn't kept me from shopping online! I had Rob take me to Bath & Body Works last night. If I have to be in this house at least I want it and me to smell good. A new fresh scent is just so uplifting!)
Anyway, I go to see the surgeon today to get his recommendations.
Love your blog!
Um, I love your powder room. Could you please come decorate for me (when my hubby is out of town so he doesn't freak out) soon.
ReplyDeleteGot my Sephora catalog in the mail. The only thing I want...the mini mascara set, love all things mini still...is out of stock. BUMMER!
After you are finished with your cleaner, save the bottle and get yourself some Sensaria Citrus Cleaner to refill your bottle. I hear it's great.
Oh and we have that exact same candy jar. It's been empty for months...nice to have it full again. :)
ReplyDeleteI love you!
ReplyDeleteOk, first of all- Great Harvest Bread?? Really? I remember feeling sooo guilty going in there and buying one piece of bread- but it was soooo yummy.
The elusive robbin egg blue color. I kept calling this shade, "egg shell" - Not the same. Lara had a great time trying to help me!! "I like egg shell, ya know the pretty blue color" ;-) I love that color- it is fabulous.
I saw the two ladies from the Y at Costco wearing those exact outfits. I didn't stop to talk to them because I am stuck up ;-) Where were you??
LOVE the leg warmers!!
You need to come hang out with me and my sis in the hospital- you would love her. She is all about Sephora, Nordstroms, and all things fashion. We have weekly fashion shows (I am always the audience) ;-)
Lauren was browsing through the PBK catalog one day and fell in love with these owls. I showed them to my mom and she made one for her birthday. Lauren is in love!! That poor owl has been drug everywhere for the last month....but they are so darn cute!! You can make one too Princess!! You're crafty like that!