Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Trendy Tuesday...Do You Dare?

Bitty bows and biggy bows are sprouting up everywhere. Whether you are a flamboyantly frilly girly girl or a delicately dynamite diva, today's Trendy Tuesday is fabulously feminine~wrapped up in a deliciously adorable little (or if you're me, not so little) "BOW" . The location of these precious princesses can be found on just
about anything from shoes, accessories, necklines, hair bobbles, and handbags. If you or another princess friend are in need of a little feminizing, this is the trend to wrap up in a bow and take home. An itty bitty bow is an absolute miracle worker for the cargo pant/sport bra /man T loving princess.

Princess Pookie's Beautiful Bow Finds
THIS dainty little dity is absolutely delicious for the Holidays! How would I wear it? With a white fitted T and leggings! THESE little flats are keepers too~black ones please. Comfy and cute...BINGO! Oh Geesy, I've fainted and gone to shoe heaven...someone please host a bake sale in honor of THESE cupcakes. And THIS is just way TOO cute to pass up! Note to Prince Charming: THESE please!

P.S. It's December 1st. Did Santa find your house too?


  1. I LOVE BOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love your blog, love your fun ideas for gifts (and for me:))... thanks for the smiles!!! ~jamie (from your Tues. class)
