That's it? It's over? No more presents for Princess Pookie? Okay, really I'm over it. Done with the Christmas music, done with the fudge, done with the body that refuses to budge! (That would be my lazy self!) What's New? Hmm...'s a sneak peak at some of my Santa presents. By the way, I adore my prince Charming. He's the best! Yes, I have the right to brag about him every now again! And Yes, you have the right to gag at any given moment during this post. What can I say? I've trained him well. :D
If you look directly to the right at my profile picture you will notice a coveting mini kissing photo of me and these shoes. Yep, they showed up under the tree and I didn't even place them there myself. Let me tell ya, these are HOT HOT HOT and the pic. does no justice for these cuties! Now only if I had some place fancy to wear them. Want a pair of your own? Too
Lulu got hooked up with all kinds Cinderelly girly goodies. I'm pretty sure she's going to want to wear this to her Senior prom. I bought her a glass Cinderella ornament for her tree in her room. The other day I bumped the tree and it came crashing down. She still hasn't forgiven me. She's such a twerp!
The only two things my little man asked for were Geo Trax and a red iPod. Well, Geo Trax are for 2 yr. olds and iPods are for 12 yr. olds. We went with the Geo Trax and by the time it was all said and done, I'm sure we spent more money on the dumb Geo Trax set than we would have on an iPod. Go figure!
The A"BUM"inable Snowman. Clever my boys, clever!
May all of you have a fabulously WONDERFUL new year and may you too have a sexy little pair of shoes to wear on New Year's Eve. I'm sure I'll be wearing mine with my "grandma sweater" sitting in my living room. At the strike of midnight I toast to good health, good fashion and a killer New Year's sale!
P.S. January at my house tends to be reinvent, rearrange and dig out time so I think I'll dedicate my Jan. posts to that. Who has money to shop for clothes, shoes and accessories in January anyway?
Cute shoes... I **LOVE** ankle buckles. :)