A) Just Move

NEVER stand on a scale! It's' a waste of time.

Don't know where to start?

How about right HERE! Start the day off right. Don't have time? All you have is time! Find it!
Back to my Lululemon obsession! I love their headbands that are lined with grippy stuff. Grippy=No slippy....NICE!
2 programs I endorse: Now that I'm not doing the healthy teaching stuff full-time I don't read all the latest and greatest fads out there but if I were to choose one program/philosophy for myself it would be Bob Greene's (Oprah's trainer) Best Life plan. I have read or at least skimmed all of his books and it just makes sense to me. It's real, it's doable and most importantly it teaches you how to LIVE...your best life! Note: If you click on the Best Life link it will lead you to the main page where you can sign up and be a member. I don't know anything about it but his stuff is good enough that it is something I personally would consider. BUT please NEVER NEVER NEVER pay for something until you've done your own research and you're ready to commit! The site itself is interesting to navigate around.
The other so-called plan I would endorse is Weight Watchers. Instead of eating meals out of a box that arrive on your doorstep, this program, again, teaches you how to LIVE. I've had a handful of friends who have done this program and saw great success. But, if I'm being honest, I don't think you need to pay someone to tell you to eat carrots instead of carrot cake!:)
Last Thoughts: The people who are most successful with healthy life style changes are those who do it for LIFE itself. They want to live longer, feel better and they have a desire to live life to its fullest potential. The people out there who are "dieting" or exercising to be a size 4, look like Heidi Klum, or make a high school boyfriend jealous at the next high school reunion~good luck. Also, it is impossible to make a perfect circle unless you find balance in all things. (Something I'm constantly working on!) It doesn't come from good diet but no exercise or great exercise but high stress. Diet, exercise, happiness & rest should be what you desire FIRST, then the size 4 will follow! Remember, with time, little changes make a big difference. Be strong, don't give up and do your best TODAY to make a good choice. If ya mess up...there's always tomorrow! Phew!

BTW: I have NO desire to compete in a triathlon!
My Confession: Just like most of you out there reading this, I am a busy mom who on a daily basis is lucky to hold it together til the day's end. I am constantly saying "yes" to silly things I should say "no" to and often times you'll find me exhausted rather than rested. I never know what to make for dinner, there is ALWAYS a pile of laundry somewhere in my house and quite frankly, most days I'd rather eat the french fries than the fiber bar! Welcome to LIFE~right? But one thing I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY know for sure is....~a daily dose of exercise, a big glass of H2O and a smile on your face will make you a much healthier, happier human being. This I promise! Thank you so much for joining me this week. Here's to good health, worn-out running shoes and yes, even "fugly" striped work out pants!
I love the t-shirt and might have to get it for you! It was good to see you this morning and sit if for only a moment to chat. One healthy thing I am doing this weekend is going to a comedy show with my husband, sisters, and fav Auntie and Uncle in Portland while my children stay with Grammy and Papa. Mental wellness and sanity is oh so important too! The balance part in life is so important and knowing how to balance is something I'm sure most of us are constantly striving for. As soon as we think we are catching on we say yes to another event!! :-) Love ya jeeves
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, I still can't stand the
H2O but do try to drink a little more of it. Thanks for a great blog week, have a fabulously, healthy, restful weekend.
We are going snowshoeing tomorrow. This winter has been hit and miss thanks to lackluster snow in January, and mega colds in Feb. This trip has been on the back burner for a while. We're planning to go to Craters of the Moon for snowshoeing, then Lava Hot Springs to the hot baths in the evening to soak sore musckles. We take Uno H2O to the hot baths and have a fun little family evening.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what healthy thing I would do this weekend because we are going out of town and you know what that means--restaurant mania.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I did cook two meals that were from the eatbetteramerica.com website :) One we liked and the other not so much, but at least we tried them!
And I bought the ingredients to make the apple oatmeal you wrote about.