$10! Nords BP section. Now these I can afford to loose! I'm such a sucker for red shades. They are called "Red Audrey".

What do you think? Could I pass for her? :D
Sun Glasses 101
1. Do they fit right?
2. Do they look cool?
3. Can I afford to loose them?
4. Can I afford to accidentally sit on them?
5. Does one glass pop out at random?
6. Will I be too lazy to put them in their protective case?
7. I promise to remove them when meeting someone new.
8. Are they bifunctional? Sunglasses/headband!
9. I won't let them rest in my shirt (they're not a necklace princesses!)
10. And...black or brown? ...black or brown? I say buy them cheap enough so you can have one of each!! Two is ALWAYS better than one!
I think my first sunglasses (that I remember) were the ones that were black with NEON pink sides. And the dandiest part, they were bendable! I could walk into my local Claire's right now today and pick up the exact same pair. Nope, the 80's will never die. However, I have yet to see the black "bike shorts" with mini NEON stripes down the sides. FUGLY!
AND...What ever style you end up choosing, I beg you ,on my hands and knees, to STAY AWAY from THESE! Epitome of dorkville!
P.S. Do you wear your sunglasses at night?:)
My first pair were black with neon green. :)