Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lucky Ducky Day!

Simple things to be happy about {yesterday}...
*Rise and shine to the bright SUNshine
*Great weight lifting workout with an even greater friend

*Fresh berries to please my palate (Both my children devour these!)

*Peonies at Costco. Totally not in the grocery budget but peonies are definitely a justifiable splurge! I LOVE THEM! Costco and budget should NOT be used in the same sentence.

*Mailbox full of catalogs & magazines and NO bills~GREAT mail day.

*Taught a pilates class to people who welcomed the challenge. Sorry (sorta:D) if you hurt tomorrow.

*My lime Lobee Lover earrings. They just make me happy. Ya just can't go wrong with shades of vibrant green.

*A thoughtful gift left on my doorstep from someone who I really admire! THANKS for thinking of me. It meant a lot!
*Watching my children swing on the swings. Okay, okay so I just kind of watched them. I took my new mags with me. Hey back off, I at least took them to the park!:D

Licking the bowl! Fresh whipped cream for my berries. Berries + cream= a very satisfied Princess Pookie.

*A husband who puts the children to bed

*A new iTunes song download (playing) ~So:Lo by Kate Havnevik (Show Me Love is a goodie too)

*SYTYCD~the BEST reality show EVER!

*My pillow that is waiting for me to publish this post.

Do something that makes you happy today!

See you tomorrow for the long lost FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a "lucky ducky" day. Is it wrong that half our park trips are planned so I can get some reading in?? I SO hear you!!!

    I enjoyed the post below as well. Color categorized cars would be a whole lot easier. :) Ha, ha!!!

    P.S. When are you going to be in Idaho and is there going to be a girly gathering?
