Ribs on the barb (sorry my veggie friends) and excellent strawberry lemonade.
Food, family, food, sunshine, food, baseball, food, dessert! (I was too tired to create much of a photo journal of the weekend.)
And because it happens to be Tuesday...we'll move on to Trendy Tuesday
It's a house decorating Trendy Tuesday! If you're anything like me the master bedroom is the last place that gets paid attention to when it comes to decorating. Why? Because nobody sees it. Except for the nosey babysitter who wants to count how many pairs of shoes you really have! My bedroom has been driving me nuts in the decorating department-mostly because I can't make up my mind as to what style I'm looking for. Plus, unfortunately I don't have unlimited funds to throw at master bedroom decor...darn it! However, if I did, without a doubt I'd hire Nate Berkus to come create my dream space. Not to mention he's pretty dreamy himself. Of course not at dreamy as my prince though! Anyway...here's what I came up with.

I took a road trip up to IKEA and was inspired by this $20 rug. Then I took a little walk around my house and garage and threw this (below) together. Wish I would have had a before pic~sorry.

This shelf above our heads has a bit of a funny story. Who do you think sleeps on the side with the glass bottles?;)
What you see is literally stuff I've had laying around my house. What is the "trend" in this you might ask? Well, at the rate I go, give me three months and I'll be totally over this look and on to something different. Isn't that how trends work? In today out tomorrow. Is it my ideal decor? Of course not. Will it do? For the price, yes! NOTE: Notice how my bedding is all white. Certainly comes in handy as a base when you get bored of a look. Just buy new pillows and accessories and you've got yourself a brand new room~almost!
Yesterday, I put on a coat I hadn’t worn since last spring. When I reached into the pocket, I found $20. I love that feeling! Found money! It made me think, what else is hiding around my house? I decided to look. I threw open the drawers and rooted through the closets. I even looked, again at the things I use everyday. Would the table in my bedroom be better in the den? Would the chair in the den be better in the entry? Next thing you knew, I was lugging furniture all around the house. Give it a try in your own home. And, make sure to check those coat pockets when you’re in the closet. You might just find a tip for all your hard work!~Nate Berkus
Take a walk around your house and create your own trend! I dare you.
There you go with my b&w and red! Can I just come shopping at your house???