Dear Mr. Sea Creature~
As much as I have loved having you in my home, I'm sorry to inform you that the time has come to say goodbye. Your bright shining color and spikey personality that has greeted me every morning (for the last three weeks) has put a smile on my face and warm fuzzies in my heart. I appreciate the texture you have brought to the kitchen decor and I'm sure Mrs. Window Ledge will miss you dearly. Thank you for being so well behaved and for collecting the extra dust bunnies. You will never be forgotten.
As much as I have loved having you in my home, I'm sorry to inform you that the time has come to say goodbye. Your bright shining color and spikey personality that has greeted me every morning (for the last three weeks) has put a smile on my face and warm fuzzies in my heart. I appreciate the texture you have brought to the kitchen decor and I'm sure Mrs. Window Ledge will miss you dearly. Thank you for being so well behaved and for collecting the extra dust bunnies. You will never be forgotten.
Good luck. See you in children's school project heaven.
Kelson's Mommy
P.S. Mr. Sea Urchin, please do not tell your master (Kels) that his Mommy discarded you. It's our little secret!
ART Project Solution:
Don't get me wrong princesses, one of my favorite things in the world is children's artwork. However, my child is only in the first grade and we already have enough projects to fill a small art museum. I JUST CAN'T SAVE IT ALL! I heard this genius of an idea from Peter Walsh and have started doing it. You save what you {realistically} have room for and then take pictures of the rest and make a book out of it. I did this for Kels for kindergarten and I love it. Shutterfly, Snapfish and Blurp are all great places to create your own book of art. Clever eh? Who needs to spend money on a coffee table book when you've got kids?!
I second this idea. Parlee's only in preschool and we could plaster our walls with all of her papers and artwork. Instead, I take pictures of everything, save a couple of things and throw away the rest....when she's not looking of course.