Kels took this pic. He's famous for cutting heads off. Maybe he's trying to tell me something??
Notice Lu's purse. She's always carrying one. Usually filled with Polly Pockets and her "phone"~an empty PINK (my phone is pink) mint tin.
Prince Charming and I thought we could possibly make a "date night" out of it but the play area conveniently (for them!) posted a sign at the desk that read, "The play zone will be closing early tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience." Walking around Ikea with children who were eagerly expecting to be jumping in the blue balls. Now that's what I call fun. "Sorry for the inconvenience".....stupid Ikea. I'm never shopping there again. That is until I need a really cheap piece of furniture that I get to assemble myself, has missing parts and directions I don't understand. Did I already say stupid Ikea?
Hot pink paint! Bet ya wonder where this is going.

Buy THIS pan. They're a total pain in the butt to make but it's fun for special occasions.
Is it MONDAY again already?
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