Tuesday, September 1, 2009

YaY...and a bit BoO

AND...We're back! YAY and BOO (but mostly yay:D)
Like the rest of the Mommy's on the face of the planet I've been consumed with back to school preparations. NOTE TO SELF: Do not wait until the day before the first day of school to get school supplies. DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! Do you think my son will hold it against me that I sent him to school with a Hannah Montana 2 pocket folder?

Cool shoes=cool kids! Right? Who cares if they have bed head and haven't bathed for 4 days! It's all about the shoes.

Our first day of school footwear.

Happy Back To School Mommy's!!!

P.S. I had great intentions of doing cool fall stuff on my blog but who am I kidding~children consume every inch of life out of me. TIME? What's that?

1 comment:

  1. hi all
