Personal shopper at your service!

Where do you think Mrs. Pincess Pookie would take me?
I'm fairly certain she made me try on every article of clothing in my size that existed in the store!

This is what little cousins do while waiting in the dressing room!

This is what little cousins do while waiting in the dressing room!

I was thinking this. Comfy, practical, affordable...right?
(He really didn't pick these up for real. NOTE: If I could ban one style of man shoe on the face of the planet they would be these. Along with aqua socks that is. Sorry Dad!)

(AND...many more great pics could have been taken but I was on a mission in a very limited amount of time.)

One pair of jeans, 2 button downs, 3 t-shirts, one argyle sweater and a pair of comfy but oh-so-cool tennis shoes! Thanks to Nordstrom and the Rack.
Thank you Aunt Jo Dee! You are the best, most coolest, awesomest, fashion forward aunt in the whole wide world! And your meatloaf rocks!
(If Ryan had really written this I'm pretty sure he would have said all these things:D)
Men's Fall Essentials: Good jeans (we like Mavi-under $100!), funky colored tennis shoes, a couple rad T's and an argyle sweater.
Good Luck at college Ryan and congrats on your BYU Idaho acceptance letter. May you always have a little GQ within and remember, it's okay for a man to appreciate a little froof. :D
Aunt Jo Dee
Where is the "after" picture??