You know you're getting old when you start talking in decades. Cheers to us (Prince Charming and I) for a few small accomplishments that took place over the last decade.
Here's to a new year and a new and improved you. There is ALWAYS room for improvement!
~Got married. Oh wait, that was the decade prior. Am I really that old?
~Got our first grown up jobs
~Bought our first house
~Bought our first house
~Learned to paint walls (over and over and over again)
~Had two children
~Got a pet
~Got rid of a pet
~Meant to run a marathon
~Found my inner craftiness
~Discovered dance again
~Lost an ovary
~Fell deeper in love
~Created amazing new friendships (xoxo Peeps)
~Introduced myself to new wrinkles
~Grew up, slightly
~Started this blog-still wondering if this should be considered an accomplishment??:D
What a fairly boring list chuck full or beautiful blessings! Boring is beautiful!
A new year...new you!
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I do not believe in New Year's resolutions BUT, I do strongly believe in looking back, evaluating life, and changing what needs to be changed or challenging what needs to be challenged. Yes, YAY for goals! They are vital to life's successes. However, for me, everyday is a renewal. Everyday. Not just one time a year. Having said that, here is what I have come up with for myself to go Hmmm about:
1. Sweat daily
1. Sweat daily
2. Think less
3. Love more
4. Serve always
Here's to a new year and a new and improved you. There is ALWAYS room for improvement!
Happy New Year Princesses!
P.S. Do you say twenty ten or two thousand and ten? Just wondering.
Funny you ask that question...I had to ponder that before I taught my little kindergartners the new year! I said two thousand ten. Hope I didn't screw them up too bad:)
ReplyDeleteHere's to a decade full of memories, some good some bad, some in between. I am so grateful to have you and your family in my life. Big loves to you and creating many more good memories for the next decade!