It bugs when we want to wear something but "don't dare".
It bugs when we say "I'm too old to pull that off".
It bugs when we let others dictate our style.
It bugs when we let life get in the way of taking care of ourselves.
It bugs when we judge others for "being put together".
It bugs when we assume it takes money to be pretty.
It bugs when we think we're too fat and don't do anything about it.
It bugs when we think we're too fat and don't do anything about it.
It bugs when we think wearing make up is vain.
It bugs when we complain that we have nothing to wear.
It bugs that we think everyone else is better than us.
It bugs that we never have the perfect pair of shoes.
It bugs that 90% of the time we seem to be having a bad hair day.
It bugs that too often we let ourselves get stuck in a rut.
And more than anything...
it bugs that we sit around and let stupid things bugs us.
How annoying we all are! Let's put the bugs behind us.
No judging,
find confidence
and wear that hat in the back of your closet you never dared to wear.
You in?;D
LOVE that!!! You go girl! I love your way with words and to tell it how it is! And if you have to be a bug, I think ladybug would be ok! (gotta love those polka dots!) :-)