Hello Mr. Package. I have patiently been awaiting your arrival! So glad you found my front porch. Sorry Mr. Toilet and Ms. Vanity were not here to welcome you. They had an appointment.

What might be inside you?

Oh boy....another box.
Note to self: Get rid of this box before the children get home. Disaster waiting to happen!
Oh, I see an ear.

Oh, I see a dear.

Oh I am so happy that you made it. I take it you had a safe journey?

Not to worry. I will take care of you forever and forever.

And I have the perfect spot for you to join our family.
Welcome to your Home Sweet Home (above the fireplace).
Now I just need to get some friends to join you.
Okay so you either think I've completely lost my mind for buying this peculiar house decor or you hate my guts because you want one for yourself.:)
HERE to add one of these beauts to your decorating motif.
You make me laugh out loud as you cuddle your crazy deer head! That's why I love you so much you crazy girl!!!!