Friday, January 7, 2011

It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday) For Home

Do I need therapy because I'm considering this poster for my kitchen?
If I hung it in my kitchen would my guests be offended?
Did you know that I love cake?
Did you know that I have never ever ever in my whole entire life made
a chocolate cake~from scratch?
Maybe I'll try THIS one.
Here's to a lovely weekend and CAKE!


  1. scratch cakes are a lot easier then people think, it's just a box cake sooo much easier and usually tastes the same, or better. (in my opinion) :) and LOVE the poster! nd who cares if others are offended with it, its your kitchen! good luck with the cake.

  2. I see nothing wrong with your poster. In fact, I have a sign in my kitchen the reads, "Annie's Eatery & Service Station: Eat here and get gas" It makes me smile.

    Happy baking. :)

  3. Hey lady it's Cynthia.....I too am baking a cake this weekend. I am craving it like crazy! Maybe it's the weather. Dude, you need to check out this new sweater I found on this British website. Go to (that's my blog) to find the sweater and the link. You're my inspiration! :-)
