Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday) Anthropologie Style

This is what came up when I googled the definition of Anthropologie:

Anthropologie is a retailer of high-end women's clothing and other merchandise run by Urban Outfitters, Inc. Founded in 1992 by Richard Hayne, Anthropologie was designed to appeal to 30- to 40-something affluent professional women with total family annual income above $200,000.
"30-40 something affluent professional women with a total family annual income above 200,000." Ah that's why I rarely buy anything here. It's for 30-40 yr olds!:)

Friday Night GNO

Saturday Sun Chillax
(This will not be happening anywhere near my neck of the woods but this is for those of you who are fortunate enough to see the sun.)
Saturday Errand Delight

Saturday Hot Date


Sunday Kickin' it

Sunday Worship

Here's to a weekend full of style, relaxation and pretending like I can afford to dress like this. Thank goodness for cyber shopping carts and the delete button!

It's Friday...Enjoy!

All of these fabulous clothes can be found HERE.

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