Holy crap my house stinks really bad right now. Prince Charming brought in boxes from the garage that he demands I go through. You know those boxes that sit in your garage from the move and three years later you still haven't touched them? Well I have a dining room full of them and they are stinkeriffic. Ok, fine Prince Charming...I'll do it but I'm not going to be happy about it. ;) It's actually probably makes much more sense just to take them directly to the Goodwill. If I haven't needed it in the last three years (that's embarrassing) then why would I need it now...right? However, I know one of the boxes contains my precious SWATCH watch collection (remember those?). Anyway...

Are you in the mood for a new scent? My kids think I am the yummiest Mommy ever when I wear THIS product. Stop in to your local Bath and Body and give it a test run. You might like it too. It's a great scent for this time of year before spring hits.
So many memories at the Swatch store at Crossroads. I still have a drawer full.