Sunday, February 27, 2011

What I Know...

{THIS} is cute.

What I learned last week:

Old people eat at Dairy Queen.
I don't enjoy baking with my children.
Snow in Washington is dumb.
Starbuck's at U village is ALWAYS busy.
I really want RED houndstooth chairs.
Guacamole quite possibly could be as addicting as crack.
Shopping with 3 kids is NEVER a good idea. NEVER!
Thai food with your best girlfriend is the greatest!
PINK is the happiest color ever.
THIS shirt is much cuter in person. (bought it)

Happy Monday!
P.S. Download This: The Big Bang by Rock Mafia (playing).


  1. Um, I went shopping at Antro yesterday too!!!!! fun!!

    xoxo Cynthia

  2. Yes, depends on which child, 100% agree, what is starbuck's ;-), I just like the houndstooth, GUUAAAAAC, never tried it, I guess I was booted from the Thai food club, Pink is Positively perfect, what a bonus.

    What will you learn today? I leave really lame comments!
