Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Door To Door To Door....

Yesterday I went shopping for a RED  door. Found one. Don't adore it but it will do because I'm too cheap to spend a gazillion dollars on what I really want.
My heart desires a RED dutch door (top opens and/or bottom opens). But that means "custom". And "custom" means $$$. AND every door man I've talked to has lashed out at me for even thinking such a thing living in Washington. Something about the weather and door seals and heavy hinges. Blah...Blah...Blah.

Painters come today. Yipee!
Can't wait to share. Don't hold your breath because it will be a few weeks. Pretty sure the rain is comin' back. So Mr. King 5 weatherman says.

Isn't this house delightful? To me it says,
Come on in!
Red. What a fabulous color.
P.S. Sorry for my lame posts and lack there of. Got a lot going on. More to come on this.;)

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