Thursday, February 23, 2012

What I Like

 My style is "eclectic". Yep. ECLECTIC. Or,  if you're like my hubs you might call it eCRAPtic.
{Pardon me for a moment.}
Dear Husband,
I know our house is full of crap and you make fun of it all the time. Deer heads, pink zebra chairs, polka dot pillows, orange lamps. I agree. It's a lot to take in. However, deep down inside, somewhere, I know you appreciate my colorful eye and love for weird accessories. Somewhere.
your wife
p.s. wanna make out?


What it is: Eclectic style is the great equalizer. It reshuffles the rule book, mixing and matching old and new, East and West, luxe and humble, showy and quiet. It invites you to fill a space with objects you love and unique finds that strike your fancy. Simply put, it's you, curated. (from

I have died and gone to decorator heaven!
(all photos from

Do your end tables match your coffee table and console table? And Are they brown?
Do your drapes perfectly match the throw pillows on your couch?
Is the fake art on your walls hung too high?

Then we can't be friends.;)

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