Friday, December 27, 2013

Silly Is Fun

Was browsing on pinterest last night and came across this pic/saying.
I adore it. 
Here are a few of my silly ideas as of late:
1. use craft paper as a table cloth and give dinner guests crayons with dessert.
 (this was a big hit at my last dinner party)
2. have a fashion show where you create the fashions out of toilet paper.
3. hang a disco ball in your dining room.
5. deliver a whoopie cushion to a friend having a bad day (seriously did this last month).
6. take a silly face selfie and text it to a loved one.
7. dance. in public!
8. wear bright lipstick.
9. wear red and orange and pink together. don't forget the leopard shoes!
10. no matter how silly, do it anyway. it will make you happy!

2014 is closely approaching. I challenge you in the year to come to let lose and get a little silly.
 Life's too short to not have fun!

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