Let's kick off the Holiday's with a pair of sweats. Put on some sweats and sit and do nothing today OR take advantage of the opportunity to be able to match the rest of
us totally insane shoppers and go out and shop in your sweats. Hooray for the invention of the stretchy pants. Especially during the Holiday's when I eat like crap and then eat like crap some more...& more & more.

However...Can we please stick with this style of sweats (pic right) and NOT this style of sweats (pic below)? Let's at least be fashionably frumpy not "just walked out of 6th grade P.E. class" frumpy!
the MALL!
I'll be the one wearing sweatpants.
Tune in on Monday for all my Black Friday Finds! Wait, I forgot...I HATE shopping on black Friday. Will I go anyway? Hmm...Probably. People are already lining up for the deals-freaks! No "free trial size eye cream with every purchase before 11AM" is worth camping out for. And don't get me started with the stupid gimmicky coupons-give me a break! Good luck out there princesses. You'll need it. And no fighting over parking spaces...I mean it!:)
I'm pretty sure I've been nice enough thus far to get Santa to pick me up THIS "Her Majesty" lounge wear number~ So Cute!
If you want, I can send you a photo of me typing this comment in those 6th grade P.E. class sweats. It might make your point even sharper? ;)