Welcome Back 80's! Now That's What I Call Fashion!
By the way...this one IS a costume! (Sort of...hmm...now that I'm looking a this pic. I really do wear all this stuff. Minus the pink cut up sweatshirt that is.)
(Excuse my shoulder exposure. I wore this to teach my fitness classes on Halloween.)

(Excuse my shoulder exposure. I wore this to teach my fitness classes on Halloween.)

Ya gotta love the side pony and accessories. My favorite piece was the Madonna glove hand made by moi. I cut the leg off of one of my hosiery's, added a thumb hole and voila! Snazzy eh? I did sport some lavender shadow and barbie pink gloss as well.
My 80's Inspiration...
Love you Miriam and Whitney! Miriam...you are the master 80's princess! Go NKOTB-You've got the "Right Stuff"!
Now on to Trendy Tuesday:
Alright princess friends, this one's definitely bold and it's gonna make your skin crawl for two reasons. 1-They're back and 2-They're back and they're "totally rad". What's the item of the week? Leg warmers! Do you dare? Do I own a pair of the warmers? What do you think?

Check THIS out. It's instructions on how to wear the leg warmer. I can't decide if it's for real cuz there's mockery potential there. :) Watch out though. If you start wearing leg warmers you might want to buy a pair of THESE to go with. How warm is a leg warmer? Toasty cheese on those chilly willy days.

Check THIS out. It's instructions on how to wear the leg warmer. I can't decide if it's for real cuz there's mockery potential there. :) Watch out though. If you start wearing leg warmers you might want to buy a pair of THESE to go with. How warm is a leg warmer? Toasty cheese on those chilly willy days.
Princess Pookie Thoughts: Did I really just line up all my leg warmers and take a picture of them? Gees, I must have too much time on my hands.
I have a crush on all of these!
Look at these cutie patooties! This is the appropriate way to wear the leg warmies. Not too bold are they? I dig em! Note: If you're wearing them over your jeans with tennies then you better still be in high school.

What the???? Leg warmers for the canine. Whatever?!

What the???? Leg warmers for the canine. Whatever?!
Quiz: Why do ballerina's wear leg warmers?
Survey Says: Be creative! Leg warmers were made to be worn in funky fashions! Have FUN!
Do you own a pair of leg warmers? I dare you! Where can you snag a pair for yourself? They're everywhere. My favorites are at Nordy's.
You have to watch THIS. My all time favorite "back in the day" 80's cartoon. Enjoy the memories! And let us not forget the 80's music era-my fav!
What is Princess Pookie doing right now? (besides blogging)
Watching a DVR'd episode of Oprah, eating grapes, drinking grape juice (I don't know, it's a grape day) AND is still irritated that her follow up surgery doc. appt. got cancelled AFTER she had already arrived. UGH! I even had to pay for parking. Now that's a ripper!
Watching a DVR'd episode of Oprah, eating grapes, drinking grape juice (I don't know, it's a grape day) AND is still irritated that her follow up surgery doc. appt. got cancelled AFTER she had already arrived. UGH! I even had to pay for parking. Now that's a ripper!

Just an FYI: When the new JC Penney's at the South Hill malls opens there will be a Sephora in it! Ha, so excited!