Oh wait...you're made out of plastic & I'm not. However, some plastic boobs would be nice. Never ending perkiness~hmm...:D
For this week's "Trendy Tuesday" I have chosen to feature the one and only infamous dream girl~Barbie. Why? On Valentine's day the runway in N.Y.C was hot hot hot with Barbie fashions. In honor of her big 5-0 (3.9.59), 50 different designers created 50 outfits to honor the perfectly proportioned babe. Through the years Barbie certainly created her fair share of "drama" in the industry but, come on you have to admit if you were a Barbie doll lover she provided hours of entertainment and served as an excellent babysitter. I'm sure MY mother would concur! So, those of you mama's out there who are anti-Barbie-lovers I ask that you not pass judgement on those of us who spent countless hours creating Barbie swimming pools in our bathrooms! Some of you may be asking what is the "trend" in this? Well, let me enlighten you...the color PINK! Of course! So, go on~ Think Pink this week! BTW: Now that my little darling has a Barbie or two of her own, I FULLY understand why my mom threw all the Barbie shoes away! I despise them! The one type of shoe I can do without...mini ones!:)

LOVE this hot barbie~ish color for the toes! How could a color like this NOT put a smile on your face?! Try it...I dare you!

I would totally wear THIS vintage looking T. I bought a similar one for my OLDER sis. 40th B-day. Just a little reminder of being young again.
WOW! Television has come a LONG way. How cute is this?!
I loved Barbie when I was a kid... buuut... I grew out of it.
ReplyDeleteAs an adult, I would have preferred to avoid Barbie for my daughter. We did Polly Pocket a lot, Aarika has a bazillion Pollies. Buuut.... one Christmas she got a Barbie and it was all downhill from there. For her last birthday (Sept), my friend gave her a Barbie MALL. (Ok, ok, it's cool. *sigh* The elevator dings and lights up, there is a hair salon, and there's a display turn table that lights up and plays music. Blah blah blah... it's a mall.) I figured I'd look thru her Barbie stuff and pull all the Barbies out so the little girls could play while they were arriving. Turns out we had 8, yes, count 'em EIGHT Barbies. Just enough for each little girl to have one to play with. You would have thought we had a Ken workin' the toybox with the way the Barbies multiplied! (Oh, and one little girl brought a Ken outfit so then I really did have to buy a Ken doll for Aarika for Christmas. Geez... now we can get back to our Mormon roots and play polygamous Barbies and they can all marry the same guy in the same wedding gown.)
I still like Polly better. Her shoes don't hurt when I step on them in the middle of the night and they don't rattle around inside the vacuum when I suck them up.
I loved Barbie when I was a kid... buuut... I grew out of it.
ReplyDeleteAs an adult, I would have preferred to avoid Barbie for my daughter. We did Polly Pocket a lot, Aarika has a bazillion Pollies. Buuut.... one Christmas she got a Barbie and it was all downhill from there. For her last birthday (Sept), my friend gave her a Barbie MALL. (Ok, ok, it's cool. *sigh* The elevator dings and lights up, there is a hair salon, and there's a display turn table that lights up and plays music. Blah blah blah... it's a mall.) I figured I'd look thru her Barbie stuff and pull all the Barbies out so the little girls could play while they were arriving. Turns out we had 8, yes, count 'em EIGHT Barbies. Just enough for each little girl to have one to play with. You would have thought we had a Ken workin' the toybox with the way the Barbies multiplied! (Oh, and one little girl brought a Ken outfit so then I really did have to buy a Ken doll for Aarika for Christmas. Geez... now we can get back to our Mormon roots and play polygamous Barbies and they can all marry the same guy in the same wedding gown.)
I still like Polly better. Her shoes don't hurt when I step on them in the middle of the night and they don't rattle around inside the vacuum when I suck them up.
CRAAAP! It posted twice! Sorry :(
ReplyDeleteWhat's not to like? Tall, thin, curvy, glamorous, well-dressed, always perfectly made-up, drives a convertible, lives in a mansion, hangs out by the pool...sounds fun to me!