Woopsie Daisy! At least SHE spared us the thong, thong, thong, thong, thong!
"No you din't"~I'm such a BUTT for taking this pic.
I had to go renew my D.L today-only 5 mo. expired-not too bad?! I mean really, where do they find these employees? First of all when I pulled up I felt as if I needed to be escorted by a police officer. It was an itty bit scary to say the least. Once inside I felt like I just walked onto a creepy movie set. For real...it was VERY strange! Oh what a joy it is waiting for employee #1 (8 stations to serve you and ONE employee. This I will NEVER understand) to call your number. Thank goodness I didn't have to wait until the end of eternity but employee #1, "Bryce", You're a real gem! (much sarcasm there if you were wondering.) I parked next to a mini van that looked like THIS. Who does this? (I wanted to take my own pic but the owner came out & I got too scared. I would like to live long enough to at least hit the next Nord sale!) And, Funny thing...it was next door to a soup kitchen if you will and there was a lady standing in line with a Louis Vuitton bag similar to THIS. The freakin' thing better have been a fakey or there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with our society. I can't afford Mac-n-cheese but I have a pretty handbag! Ironic I tell ya.
Please check back tomorrow for the unveiling of my BIG project. I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous. Keep on keepin on!
P.S. Is it just me or do you think the American Idol "group" numbers are cheesy too?
I can not believe you took a picture of someone's butt, oh wait yes I can! We missed you at the pink party last night but alas you can't do it all huh? I get it, no worries. Can't wait to see what the big project is....