At Approx. 9:15am the private jet flight attendant served my husband this breakfast.
Where was I while all this was happening? At home, with the children, the laundry (which has once again exploded all over my house) a sink full of nasty dishes and the reality of my so-called life. You know what really sucks? I was invited to go~ Stupid reality!
To My Prince:
I sure hope you're enjoying yourself. I'll be thinking of you while dealing with "our" life at home.
xoxo, Mrs. Princess Pookie
P.S. Roses would be nice.
AND THE WINNER PULLED OUT OF THE HAT IS...Tiffany! Thanks for playing friends.
Ooh la la I'm drooling over these (above) necklaces. Flowers around the neck are a big thing right now princesses. These ones are so romantic. The perfect creative touch to any TRENDY outfit. How would I wear one? Black button down shirt with a delicate sleeve, pencil skirt...hmm...tweed maybe, with funky legwear and THESE shoes! I think it's time to go shopping!
Come on. Don't be so boring. Wearing something TRENDY today!
P.S. It's coming! I'm feeling another give away just around the corner and I'm feeling awfully generous too. How about THIS?
P.S.S. OMG! (That's Oh my gosh.) I am eating the most lusciously, divine nectarine right now. I'm pretty sure it's better than...uh...um...oh ya...this is a G rated blog. ;D Trader Joe's princesses. Go buy some! $4.99 a box.
P.S.S.S.S. I'm still enjoying the Love Boat theme. Humor me for another day or so.
Cool shoes=cool kids! Right? Who cares if they have bed head and haven't bathed for 4 days! It's all about the shoes.
Our first day of school footwear.
Happy Back To School Mommy's!!!
P.S. I had great intentions of doing cool fall stuff on my blog but who am I kidding~children consume every inch of life out of me. TIME? What's that?