A few summer comfy basics I'm eyeballing. Maybe they'll come in handy here in the great NW by mid August. Maybe.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dreams Interupted

Random thoughts of a Princess who cannot sleep at 3:37am...
I really want to paint the house red. And a pond up front would be so cute. How much would that cost?
Is it okay to eat breakfast now?
5,6,7,8, both hands up, shuffle step, heel, toe, heel, jump (choreography:D)
Crap! I forgot to clean off the mantel for tile Tom (new tile today-finally!!)
That curtain rod annoys me.
I'm going to have a headache.
Hope the DVR got Glee~"Don't stop believing"
When will the damn sun shine again? (My apologies. I tend to speak "French" in the wee hours of the morn.)
Where should I hang that?
I don't want to cook dinner.
What can I do to convince Kels to forgo Chucky Cheese for his Birthday this year? Hmmm....
That whistle in Prince Charming's nose is really bugging me.
Why didn't the stupid carpet man call me?The laundry is going to be so wrinkled.
....And other random thoughts that kept me from my beauty rest.
Finally got my butt out of bed at 5:24 to type this post. Oh yes and ate breakfast, cleaned the mantel and paid the bills. Going back to bed now.
Have a great day! Cross your fingers for sunshine!
Monday, April 26, 2010
It's Trendy Tuesday...Do You Dare?
Heck ya! I totally dare!
I actually own one. Surprised?
Boyfriend jeans and heels. If you don't own a similar combo, go shopping now.
Fab! Fab! Fab! Military jacket. Head gear super chic too.
Click HERE to make a DARING purchase. (This store is so urbanly cool. Pop in if there's one in your neck of the woods.) Or if you're anything like me, study the pics and create your own, less spendy, version!
Tip: To add funkiness to any outfit it's all about the accessories girls!

Click HERE to make a DARING purchase. (This store is so urbanly cool. Pop in if there's one in your neck of the woods.) Or if you're anything like me, study the pics and create your own, less spendy, version!
Tip: To add funkiness to any outfit it's all about the accessories girls!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
It's Officially Official
Tiffany solitaire ring (Lucky girl!)
Proposed to in Nordstrom~seriously! (Fabulously creative engagement story!)
Man of her dreams!
Jo and Jer
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday) For Your Castle
Wouldn't it be nice to be filthy rich and have the perfectly decorated home with the perfectly placed accessories and of course, always clean with the perfectly perfect family picture hanging above the fire place? Maybe for some but absolutely (truthfully) not for me. A home is a home when you add your own quirky character. A home is a home when the kitchen sink is full and the yesterday's laundry is still sitting (hubs would disagree with me here:D). A home is a home when the family picture includes a crying child and a mother pretending to smile.
Rearrange the furniture. The most budget friendly way to reinvent your home. I have a bro-in-law who every time he comes over the first thing he asks is how's the furniture this week?
Change a light fixture. Does your home still have the brassy "builder's grade" fixtures? Change them. It's cheap and will make a HUGE difference. Bye bye brass boys...hello class!

Sick of old furniture? Can't afford new? Add a coat of paint and new knobs. You've got yourself a $1500 piece from Antrhopologie. A cheap resource: craigslist.org rocks!
Hit your local Target, TJ Maxx, Marshall's, etc. End tables are affordable. Peeve: matchy matchy EVERYTHING. Sofa, love seat, end tables, coffee tables-BORING. Mismatched adds so much more character to a space. Try it. You'll like it.
Ask my hubs. I like clocks. Daylight savings is a bit daunting at our house.:D I've hung clocks in this type of arrangement before. Fun!
Call me vain, I have lots of mirrors. Too many probably. In fact, I've got a few extras in my garage if you need one. Caution~(depending on it's true purpose) watch the hang height of a mirror AND I've seen too many mirrors that are too small for the space they are hung.
Here are some budget BFF ideas on how to switch up your home this weekend.

Tip: Don't place everything against a wall. A couch randomly floating (you know what I mean) can be a nice change!

Sick of old furniture? Can't afford new? Add a coat of paint and new knobs. You've got yourself a $1500 piece from Antrhopologie. A cheap resource: craigslist.org rocks!
NOTE: Take my word on this. If you have never painted furniture before don't cut corners. TSP, sand, primer, paint. Trust me on this. If it's a little end table spay paint is fab but for something like a dresser, bar stools, table. Take all the appropriate steps! Really!
Tip: If you are going for a perfectly smooth, perfectly finished end product, it ain't gonna happen. If you're doing a home job, shabby chic it or it will look like a home job.
{Picture of End table supposed to be here~whoops!.}
Hit your local Target, TJ Maxx, Marshall's, etc. End tables are affordable. Peeve: matchy matchy EVERYTHING. Sofa, love seat, end tables, coffee tables-BORING. Mismatched adds so much more character to a space. Try it. You'll like it.

Happy DIY weekend.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
That Just Bugs

It bugs when we want to wear something but "don't dare".
It bugs when we say "I'm too old to pull that off".
It bugs when we let others dictate our style.
It bugs when we let life get in the way of taking care of ourselves.
It bugs when we judge others for "being put together".
It bugs when we assume it takes money to be pretty.
It bugs when we think we're too fat and don't do anything about it.
It bugs when we think we're too fat and don't do anything about it.
It bugs when we think wearing make up is vain.
It bugs when we complain that we have nothing to wear.
It bugs that we think everyone else is better than us.
It bugs that we never have the perfect pair of shoes.
It bugs that 90% of the time we seem to be having a bad hair day.
It bugs that too often we let ourselves get stuck in a rut.
And more than anything...
it bugs that we sit around and let stupid things bugs us.
How annoying we all are! Let's put the bugs behind us.
No judging,
find confidence
and wear that hat in the back of your closet you never dared to wear.
You in?;D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Should we celebrate?
Today marks my 400th post.
Hmm, Isn't that interesting?
Let's see, what could I have done in the time that I have wasted posting nonsense on this blog?
Finished a load of laundry
Completed a paint project
Sewn Lucy's curtains
Cleaned my out-of-control "office" aka laundry room
Volunteered at the homeless shelter
Gotten to bed on time
Written a novel
Spent quality time with my children baking cookies
Washed the windows
Made bread
Saved the dolphins
I think I shall go buy a new handbag to celebrate instead.
Maybe THIS one....perhaps. (Ha, right!)
P.S. If you don't think THESE are adorable I think you are nutty in the brain!
Hmm, Isn't that interesting?
Let's see, what could I have done in the time that I have wasted posting nonsense on this blog?
Finished a load of laundry
Completed a paint project
Sewn Lucy's curtains
Cleaned my out-of-control "office" aka laundry room
Volunteered at the homeless shelter
Gotten to bed on time
Written a novel
Spent quality time with my children baking cookies
Washed the windows
Made bread
Saved the dolphins
I think I shall go buy a new handbag to celebrate instead.
Maybe THIS one....perhaps. (Ha, right!)
P.S. If you don't think THESE are adorable I think you are nutty in the brain!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)
Hmm....I'm thinking something like this.

Love anything you see above? Click HERE. You a card holder? Get 30% off this weekend.
Smile. Sing a song. Dance.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Don't Bug Me
Kids in bed

What was the last thing you did during your "ME" time?
P.S. I am obsessed with GLEE. I didn't watch the first season until I purchased it on DVD while on vacation. I LOVE IT! I want to marry it! I want to burst out in random song whenever I feel like it. Life should be lived with random song breakouts. Don't you think?
P.S.S. The sun finally found Washington today. It's gonna be a good day!!
It's Trendy Tuesday...Do You Dare?
Spring Accessories Alert: HATS! Embrace one of the season's hottest trends. Fashion for your head. Why? It's a "wake up and go" life saver, protects you from the sun and turns any old boring outfit into the life of the party. Hats! Wear one. I dare you!
P.S. I just picked THIS one up for myself.

P.S. I just picked THIS one up for myself.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today I have been home one week.

The suitcases STILL have not been unpacked. We've been out of toilet paper for two days now and there is laundry all over my bedroom floor that was there BEFORE we left.
My excuse? Ah....um....hm....Crap! Don't have one!
Nevermind those daunting To Do tasks I can't seem to get a grip on.
Moving on....
You must all get a babysitter today and go buy yourself my new April cosmetic find. Mascara! (or click the link and buy from the comfort from your home braless wearing your pjs!) Mascara that looks freakish when you open it up (interesting wand) but once you apply it, it is delightfully amazing. And for all your cheap scape's out there...it is worth every penny! ($13 give me a break! It rocks!) And the best part. If you don't adore it, you're crazy, but M.A.C. will take it back and give you a full refund. Win! Win!

Bat those lushes lashes. It's Monday! Go for it!
P.S. This mascara is worth a random trip to the mall today. BUT don't kid yourself. Leave the children at home. Make up counter+children=psycho mother. Trust me. I pretend like it's going to work out and be fine. It never is!:D
Thursday, April 8, 2010
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)
Spring! Spring! Spring! Unfortunately it doesn't exist where I live but I sure hope those of you who are enjoying spring like weather are living it up in some FABULOUS spring fashions. Rain, rain go away...NOW!

This skirt is so pretty.
Stackable rings are just cool! Etsy has a lot of very affordable ones! FYI. I want THESE.

These would be a great addition to my shoe collection. May I buy them please?
All of the above can be found HERE. If you are not a subscriber to this catalog click HERE. Don't you just love getting catalogs where you can't afford anything inside? I am not much of a catalog shopper but I love to steal cool fashion ideas out of them.
It's FRIDAY already. Live it up!

These would be a great addition to my shoe collection. May I buy them please?
All of the above can be found HERE. If you are not a subscriber to this catalog click HERE. Don't you just love getting catalogs where you can't afford anything inside? I am not much of a catalog shopper but I love to steal cool fashion ideas out of them.
It's FRIDAY already. Live it up!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
May I take a little nap? Please?
10 day vacation catch up is kicking my butt!
Unpacking-the worst!
Mail sorting-so tedious
Sleep (or lack of)-Adore my OWN bed and pillow
Grocery shopping-kill me
Getting back into the groove-what groove? My life is crazy!:D
Forget all of the above....I'm going to go curl my hair (okay not really) but click HERE for a fun little hair clip. You may even want to subscribe. It's kinda cool!
P.S I know "March" is been there done that. I promise I will be updating! And, I just might write about something interesting.;) Like my new Sundance catalog. I want EVERYTHING!
P.S.S. Download this: Very Busy People by the Limousines (song playing) It cracks me up.
Unpacking-the worst!
Mail sorting-so tedious
Sleep (or lack of)-Adore my OWN bed and pillow
Grocery shopping-kill me
Getting back into the groove-what groove? My life is crazy!:D
Forget all of the above....I'm going to go curl my hair (okay not really) but click HERE for a fun little hair clip. You may even want to subscribe. It's kinda cool!
P.S I know "March" is been there done that. I promise I will be updating! And, I just might write about something interesting.;) Like my new Sundance catalog. I want EVERYTHING!
P.S.S. Download this: Very Busy People by the Limousines (song playing) It cracks me up.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I'm Baaaack!
Whatever Utah. We're going to Hawaii next year!
(No joke here folks. This snowperson was built by my children.)
The low down...
Happy BIG GIRL 4th birthday to our Lulu. (March 29)
Happy 13th anniversary to my Prince Charming. (March 26)
Happy Easter to all of you! (The Easter bunny almost forgot to visit us:D)
Kink in my butt (is there such a thing?) from sleeping in a full sized bed for the last 10 nights.
Eating out overdose~yuck! Training table, Zupa, Pace's, Parson's bakery, Nielsen's frozen custard~stop me before I puke!
Cousin mania
Family! Family! And more Family!
Shopping! Shopping! And more Shopping!
Completely over living out of a suitcase
Home Sweet Home!
Yep! I need a vacation from the vacation.
See ya...ah...once I get a chance to take a nap!
The low down...
Happy BIG GIRL 4th birthday to our Lulu. (March 29)
Happy 13th anniversary to my Prince Charming. (March 26)
Happy Easter to all of you! (The Easter bunny almost forgot to visit us:D)
Kink in my butt (is there such a thing?) from sleeping in a full sized bed for the last 10 nights.
Eating out overdose~yuck! Training table, Zupa, Pace's, Parson's bakery, Nielsen's frozen custard~stop me before I puke!
Cousin mania
Family! Family! And more Family!
Shopping! Shopping! And more Shopping!
Completely over living out of a suitcase
Home Sweet Home!
Yep! I need a vacation from the vacation.
See ya...ah...once I get a chance to take a nap!
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