Friday, September 6, 2013

Peace and Quiet

 First and foremost..
Happy Friday!

We have found an extra happy home. What's the secret? Removal of the T.V. from the main living area of our home. Impossible? Your husband would never allow it? Your kids would be deprived?
Maybe? For us it has been pretty awesome.
I'm not the crazy mother who forbids television. Honestly, the reason why we did it was because we bought an amazing couch for the bonus room months ago that wasn't getting used because there was no T.V. to watch and buying a new fancy T.V. was not a proirity. So, we had a moving party.
It has brought quiet dinners (ok not really there are still kids involved), uninterrupted conversations (ok not really again there are still kids involved), and an overall added quiteness (ok, ok if it wasn't for those kids!) 

Really though, it's been great!

Hope you have a happy, enjoyable, peaceful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. When I was growing up, this was the norm. Now that I am the parent, I can understand why my mom insisted on that. I wish I had a house that I could do it.
