Happy December everyone! Let the Holiday madness officially begin. Bring on the never ending lines, the parking in
Timbuktu, the "I'm sorry...we're sold out", the late night gift wrapping, the cocktail parties where you don't know what to wear, the "Look how perfect my family is" Christmas cards with yearly "history" included:), the nasty crap fruitcake, the Ho Ho Ho's and bah hum bugs and last but certainly not least...the "Did I really just eat that WHOLE cheese ball myself?" Bring it on Princesses...bring it on!
What a fun-filled weekend it has been! Between Thanksgiving, the shopping bargains, my BFF's 30th birthday, and the unveiling of the Christmas decor ...quite frankly, this princess could use some extra beauty sleep .
Let Us Give Thanks

And the cook of the year award goes to...the big sis. She's a
ROCK STAR kitchen diva. However, I think next year my hostess gift to her will be a new girly apron! See the jumbo jewels around her neckline? Yep, I made it for her for letting us come invade her Thanksgiving table. Thanks sis for yet another scrumptious T-day meal.

The purdy pink table (my sis loves pink too), fancy drink for us non-wine drinkers (I was in charge of drinks and dessert by the way) AND my favorite...the ROLLS!

Let us not forget family bonding around the piano. We do it for the chef. She slaved in the kitchen all day, the least we can do is sing a little tune of thanks for her. Actually, she won't let us eat until we do it~meany! Mee...meee...meee....meee....meee (I'm warming my vocal cords.)

Michael's craft store is an absolute
genius. They opened their doors Thanksgiving night from 6:00-9:00pm and yes, we were there. The place was packed. It was hilarious. Didn't have my camera~darn it~but it was certainly a sight. I
hosted Thanksgiving craft day.
On the agenda: bracelets, necklaces and crazy headbands. We love
Michael's for being open. Supplies= 70% off! Attention bargain shoppers!
Princess Pookie thoughts: Hmmm....I'm pretty sure I'm braless and make up free in the above pic. Should I be proud that I'm ok posting this or embarrassed? 

And our new "mad crafting skill"...
Soldering. Yep, we pretty much screwed the pooch on this one.
Definitely more practice required! NOTE: When crafting with the above group of princesses, protective
eye wear should be worn at all times.
Lastly...my PEEPS aka BFF turns 30!

received a special invitation in the mail from "Princess
Pookie" for a Princess
Pookie make over. The day started with appetizers (my famous lemon bars~her favorite) and
Jamba Juice. Then we traveled to the nail salon for french
mani's. Next we hit Victoria Secret for an
underoo's trying on marathon. (I'm pretty sure she tried on about 20 bras in 20 min. I was literally throwing bras and panties at her left and right. It was quite a scene!) Once finished we moved on to the Mac make up counter for a
glamorous look with fake eyelashes included.
Unfortunately we ran out of time & didn't get to hit the jeans department. I had to get her to her "SURPRISE" party that her Prince Charming planned all by himself (good job Tommy). Once the make up was applied we made a mad dash to the
Nordy's restroom to get ourselves outfitted. FYI: it's difficult to apply liquid eyeliner in a public restroom when the princess in the stall next to you has the
rooty toots! "Nice and steady" with an
intermittent giggle makes for some pretty interesting eyeliner final results.

Princess Lauri gets "Pookiefied"
Look, she's even starting to pull silly poses like me.
LOVE YOU PEEPS! Hope you had an excellent day!
Alright...who's next on the list for a Princess
Pookie make over?
Weekend shopping hmms????....a mini Asian man aimlessly pushing a Sears shopping cart around
Nordstrom, Granny's wearing matching
FUGLY Christmas sweaters (actually they were pretty cute!~the
Grannys not the sweaters!) and a MAN, totally being a MAN dressed in a floral dress, hose and flats following what appeared to be his wife in
Michael's? Not making any of this up. I swear on a stack of diamond rings!
See you tomorrow for another super Trendy Tuesday!