Thursday, April 30, 2009
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Denimly Distressed

Why is it that women (and men) pay hundreds of $$$ to have delightfully distressed holes in their jeans?
Why is it that people assume: "I live in a trailer, wear light up shoes and sport a rat tail"

"Joe Dirt's my Daddy"

"Donald Trump's my Daddy"
Things that make you go Hmm???
I say hip hip hooray for distressed denim! And you? Let me guess, you prefer THESE. Mom jeans!
P.S. What the heck are THESE? No, these are not okay unless you are Mary Stuart Masterson in Some Kind of Wonderful.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Lovely Little Lulu

Adorable little three year old for sale. She comes fully equipped with poop in her panties, has the ability to destroy any shade of lipstick in 5 seconds flat, can chew through a whole pack of gum hiding in your purse in an hour and is guaranteed to turn any room into a complete disaster zone with one twirl.
Any takers? She does like to cuddle and brush long hair.
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's Trendy Tuesday...Do You Dare?

PEACE out sistas!
P.S. I mentioned give aways last week...they will start next week in honor of Mom's day. I was thinking Mom's day was this week. Maybe we could celebrate it twice!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mrs. Princess Pookie's Social Calendar
A trip to Pier 1 with Lucy. Now that was blissful! When will she ever understand the phrase "Don't touch!"? Never, I'm sure.
Finally broke in the new RES (rear entertainment system) while driving to Lowes.
Car kid silence...priceless.
My children HATE this store! Unfortunately making rainbows with paint chips isn't fun for them anymore~darn! We've put the home improvement projects on the back burner for a couple months now but it's back to the drawing board. UGH! Where's Carter Oosterhouse when I need him? Just kidding my Prince...you're my Carter Oosterhouse. :D
After we checked out on Saturday, this is how we felt! No shoe shopping for me this week, or next week, or the next. But hey, we finally have blinds. Woohoo! I'd rather have new shoes.
Sunday: Church, rest and a butt load of laundry! How much is a butt load of laundry you might ask??Lulu played dress up, her favorite game, and came up with this invention. Jammies and mismatched shoes~darling my dear. Here she's striking a pose for her brother. So her...LOVE it. :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)

Once upon a time a very clever individual invented a do daddy gadget-like purse thingy which clicked around the waist. They came in all shapes, styles and colors, including NEON, and they were the handiest HANDS FREE "stuff" holder around. One ZIP and everything you needed (chapstick, lucky rabbit's foot, Binaca, etc.) was at your finger tips. Who wouldn't want one? They were the perfect invention for men, they were the hottest item in any contest give away and you could wear them at many various points on the waste. I think slightly off center is the snazziest.:)
Why the heck am I blogging about fanny packs? I don't know really but at lunch yesterday I saw a lady sportin' one. Right smack dab in the middle of the city. No trails, no granola bars, no outhouses in sight. Her fanny pack was her purse! Oh dear. It just made me chuckle. And in case you were wondering, she also had THIS haircut. I'm not being rude. I'm just informing you. I think my second grade teacher had this do.
Fanny Pack Fashion:

I actually have this one so of course it's cool. Kidding! But it made a great diaper bag.
This fanny pack~ not so cool. Oh...denim! So versatile!

Another silly little YouTube clip for ya. Yes dumb but I loved their outfits. Note: scroll to the bottom of my blog and hit pause on the music player.
Conclusion: Fanny pack in Europe=cool. Fanny pack in JcPenny=not cool.
Guess what? It's FRIDAY! LIVE IT UP with your fanny pack.
Did you ever sport the fanny pack? I totally remember wearing one on my 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. It was red and nerdy!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nice to meet shoe! Lookie at my new rock star shoes! $12.99 baby. I know, you're all jealous cuz I not only found cool shoes but found them at a cool price! Hit your local Marshall's and we could be twinners!
Can you guess the car we got? I hit the 50 mileage mark today~whoa! Ain't gonna be no Slurpie drinking in my car. It has that "new car" smell. 45 freakin degrees today (so my car says) and just yesterday we were slip and slidin' at a playdate! Have I mentioned I hate living in Washington?
Cereal sale! Good old Crunchy Corn Bran. I use to steal this from my roommate when we were in Jerusalem. However, this same roommate would set her alarm for 4AM-classes started at 8- and her alarm would go off for hours until she actually got her butt out of bed! I think we ended up hiding her alarm clock too. Nonsense! :)

And more SHOE news~
Okay, so ever since I found THESE shoes for my "wedgie" post I have been thinking about them. They are fab! Let's see...what can I take back?:)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mani Pedi Time!
Princess Assignment: Go and get yourself a mani today! Color? Why HOT PINK of course. Hope this put a smile on your face~even if you've seen it before.

This new collection from OPI is HOT! HOT! HOT!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It's Trendy Tuesday~KIDO STYLE
Can I be your fashion advisor?
Summer Twirling...
For today's TREND I have chosen to feature kido etsy summer dresses. I am in love with etsy (you all know that by now) and have been doing a search on summer dresses for Lulu. You know, before we knew we were having a girl I actually really wanted another boy. When they told me I was having a girl I was slightly disappointed. However, as soon as I left that doctor's office and hit the closest Gymboree, my mind changed in an instance. As we all know, girl clothes are SO much cuter than boy clothes. I AM OBSESSED WITH LITTLE GIRL FRILLIES ~especially tutus! (I still will not admit how many tutus my child has!) How much longer do I have til she grows out of the frill and fluff? It all just goes too fast...most days.:)
All of these little darlings can be found at etsy.com. I used "children's dresses" for my search.
Have fun TWIRLING in the sunshine! Twirl~ such a happy word.
Mrs. Princess Pookie's Social Calendar
Sshh....can you hear that? Me either. Quiet, nothingness. Precious MY time. My Prince has swept me off my feet today (Sunday) and has taken our royal family to the park. Sheer dream come true for me AND my children! Probably not so much for hubs but I know he values the limited playtime he gets with his mini peeps. Relax. Breathe. Do nothing. Loving life!
Now on to the rest of the weekend fun. Friday night I had a date with my prince to the car dealer. We're in need of making a decision on a car and there is nothing we despise more in our life than visiting the car dealer. I HATE CAR SALESMEN! To make a long story short we had the WORST experience of our entire car buying history and we're back to ground zero. When it comes to buying cars all I ask for is honesty. And that on Friday, we did not get. UGH!Let's take a vote. What kind of car do you think we should get?
A. Mini van
B. Porshe~the kids can stay home!
C. Car truck aka El Camino~what's the point of these anyway?
D. Range Rover
All right, if you insist we'll get a Range Rover. Anyone out there willing to donate to the down payment? If I can round up $60 grand in donations maybe I can afford one. Please?:)
Saturday we took a roadtrip to the tulip festival. One of my favorite Godly creations is a field of brightly colored tulips. Unfortunately this year we didn't see any. Once again welcome to my IRONIC life. Had we given it a couple more weeks we would have been able to see the tulip rainbows but due to the unseasonably cool weather as of late, the tulips are still sleeping. BUT we did get to see the daffodils, a few early rising tulips and shop and eat crap food at the street fair
This will kill you! If not you, everyone else around you will be dead from your breath!
Now that is what I call funny! One of the booths at the street fair was selling Mexican wrestling masks (Nacho Libre style). We spent more time in this booth than any other and laughed our guts out! My nephew ended up buying one. We all wanted to buy them for our fam. reunion this summer but at $25 a pop my sis and I thought...We can totally make these! Will we? Not likely!Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)

I'm the hottest soccer mom ever. Watch out people...here I come. Bring on the flaming RED toes and rockstar music.
I wore this scarf yesterday and got several compliments on it. For crying out loud people it's just from the stupid GAP. No...or is it European?:D My earrings didn't photo well but they're gigantic peace signs.
Don't you just LOVE Friday! Make it a great weekend.
P.S. I just discovered THIS shop on Etsy. Lovely little pieces for your lobes. At these prices...you have no excuse!