Family Fun Night at the School
What a night of sheer family "fun" .
(This is my new pink ruffle hoodie from "Home".

Mini Golf, jumpy house and pumpkin picking...what more could a kid ask for?

We still have how many tickets left?

ALERT! ALERT! Mom jeans in the house. Run for your lives!

I don't care how great of a deal these mom jeans were. The
perma wedge isn't worth it!
So this is what two hours of standing in line and $10 bucks got us. I think next year we'll take our $10 bucks and visit the Target toy department instead! Ba hum bug Mommy.

These beauts will be a party to remove!
The Holiday Gift Show
(I actually hit this on Thurs.)
So I totally should not have gone to this considering I just had surgery but my sister made me do it. Don't tell anyone but I didn't last very long shopping at the Holiday show. It was pretty lamo anyway. Get this...I had THREE males compliment me on my sock/boot combo. See ladies, the males species does pay attention to fashion. (Wearing my new b-day hat and socks.)
Someone please hit me and tell me I'm dreaming. These lovely's canNOT possibly still be in production! If you currently have one of these in your closet, you've got a fashion nightmare on your hands. GET RID OF IT!
What did I buy at the gift show? Ribbon. Boring? Maybe but pink and black ribbon is a gift wrapping fashion frenzy favorite of mine so it's a little exciting for me! Got a good deal too!
Fancy Nancy Birthday Party
I committed to do this b-day party about 2 mo. ago. What's a princess to do? Disappointing a 5 yr. old and all her guests is not my style no matter how crappy I feel!
Mom's Feeling a Little Better So Let's Give Dad a Break!

Krispy Kreme Donuts... Now that's an adventure! Thanks dad for staying home and doing a gazillion loads of laundry so that we can all be "fashionable" come Monday morning!

Thank you LCCA (my hub's peeps) for the special weekend delivery!
(Don't get me wrong...I LOVE getting flowers but w/my b-day being last weekend and now the minor health scare, my house is starting to look like a funeral parlor!)
Act V
It's Sunday!
Cowboy boots and it!
Fashion Tip: Notice you won't find the color of my shirt anywhere in my dress. Keepin' with the Princess Pookie not "too matchy matchy" rule. Try it!
Gee's I'm exhausted just writing this blog. I just had a major operation for cryin out loud. I need a nap!